The weekend's captions brought more hilarity, and today's t-shirt goes to Suzanne Schuld for her caption left on Facebook: "You sure you don't have swine flu?"
Only ONE WEEK of Ring remains! Who will win our last few t-shirts?! Leave your funny and creative captions below!!

Earth Calling Brunnhilde.
ReplyDeleteFor my next trick I'll turn this poppy into a sword.
ReplyDeleteI love her, I love her not, I love her, I love her not,...
ReplyDeleteDragon slaying is fine, but one must remember to stop and smell the roses...
ReplyDeleteDang, this thing smells like dead giant.
ReplyDeleteUmmm... poppiessss..zzzzzzzzzzzzz....
ReplyDeleteThe gloves? I'm allergic to poppies.
ReplyDeleteHe loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not .....
ReplyDeleteOh rats, THAT IS NOT A MAN!
And for my next aria, I shall sing "Poveri Fiori" from Adriana Lecouvreur
ReplyDeleteMaybe if I hide a mike in this flower, people will stop griping about my weak voice.
ReplyDeleteYour thorns don't scare me, little rose. I've got my super-duper, heavy-duty smithing gloves on.
ReplyDelete"La fleur que tu m'avais jetee.."
ReplyDeleteMaybe if Brunnhilde will accept this instead of a ring, I can skip the dragon-slaying part.
ReplyDeleteA little bird told me there's an invisible wurm inside this rose.
ReplyDeleteRoses are red,
ReplyDeleteDragons' hearts are robust,
But when I reforge Nothung,
Fafner's biting the dust.
Thou blind fool love, what dost thou to mine eyes,
ReplyDeleteThat they behold, and see not what they see?
This'll go nicely in the small vase on the dashboard of my Volkswagen Beetle
ReplyDeleteAfter much hammering--Nothung, an aesthetic miniature.
ReplyDelete"Lollipop, lollipop, O lolly, lolly . . ."