Monday, January 14, 2013

Search for Cinderella: Day 2 Wrap-Up

We hope you joined us this morning for our second hunt in our Search for Cinderella! We posted a recap of last Friday's trail of clues here, and once again we'll break down the path our winner had to take to claim today's prize of a four-pack of tickets to this Sunday's Family Day matinee performance of Cinderella. Today was more challenging than Friday's kick-off hunt, which lasted only about 5 minutes before the prize was claimed. Today, it took about 50 minutes--10 times as long! Congratulations to Chloe V. who made it to the finish line first. Here's how she did it...

January 14 Clues

At 10 a.m. on Facebook and Twitter, we announced today's prize and shared this image:

(Click photo to see full size)

That's a screen-cap of this very blog, with the words "YOUTH CHORUS" typed into the search box, to the right. If you traveled to the Seattle Opera Blog and searched for that phrase, you'd come across these options:

(Click photo to see full size)

If you'd clicked on the first choice and watched the Youth Chorus video from Carmen, you'd have noticed this speech bubble pop up at the :45-mark...

(Click photo to see full size)

Next, you would have needed to head to Facebook--specifically, the Seattle Opera Facebook page. If you had scrolled through our many photo albums, you would have found one titled "Magic Flute Family Day."

(Click photo to see full size)

Within that album are several photos of Parlin Shields as the Magic Flute emu, but one of those photos had a special caption:

(Click photo to see full size)

This clue was a little difficult, but it hinted that you should try searching Google for "Heron and the Salmon Girl," which is the name our first Our Earth opera. You would have been given a few different options, but only one had "Heron and the Salmon Girl" prominently featured in its title (the second link in the photo below).

(Click photo to see full size)

That link would send you to the Heron and the Salmon Girl production page on our website, which has a special subhead and message just for those playing the Search for Cinderella:

(Click photo to see full size)

That message was written backwards, but if you flipped it around read "The mezzo's clip on the Seattle Opera SoundCloud" and was hyperlinked to take you to the Seattle Times' photo gallery of our recent Cinderella open house at McCaw Hall. Then you would have needed to spot the mezzo-soprano amongst the images:

(Click photo to see full size)

The final photo was of Karin Mushegain, who sings Cinderella in our Sunday/Friday performances. The earlier two-part clue indicated you needed to find Karin's clip on the Seattle Opera SoundCloud page, where we upload lots of great clips from our performances. Had you navigated to that page, you would have noticed that the second clip is of Karin--but it wasn't a musical excerpt.

(Click photo to see full size)

That audio clip was actually a special message from Karin to you, congratulating you for (nearly) making it to the end of the hunt. She also gave you the super-secret address to order to claim your free tickets!

Phew, that was a tough one, but we hope the winners enjoy their prizes, and that everyone who participated had fun on the trail. If you didn't win this time, come back on Wednesday and Friday at 10 a.m. when we do our final two rounds of the Search for Cinderella! Those next prizes will remain top secret 'til each hunt begins, but trust us--they're pretty awesome!


  1. Wow, that WAS tough - congrats to the winners!

    The digital scavenger hunt is a really fun idea! Perhaps if you do it again for a future opera, you could schedule some of the hunts to kick off in the evening or on weekends, for those of us who work during the weekday?
