Friday, July 26, 2024

Sasquatch Goes to the Opera

In honor of Seattle Opera’s newest production of Ruggero Leoncavallo’s masterpiece and to celebrate Pagliacci Pizza’s 45th Anniversary, the Seattle-based pizza maker has created a signature pizza box featuring Sasquatch as the clown.

© Pagliacci Pizza

Conceived by Coby Shultz, one half of the dynamic duo behind Ames Bros, the Seattle-based graphic design firm, the artwork puts the legendary creature known throughout the Pacific Northwest in an awkward situation. “It’s been impossible to work on this and not belly laugh—the thought of ‘Squatch’ being forced to perform and stuffed into an uncomfortable clown suit,” explained Shultz. “He has stage fright and is really doing his best up there on the big stage.”

Pagliacci Pizza’s founder Dorene Centioli-McTigue named the company in honor of the classic Italian opera. “My family is really big on opera,” she said. “We just thought, what more buffoonery than to open a pizza place. Plus, we have a cousin who was an opera singer.”

© Pagliacci Pizza

Buffoonery aside, from the beginning Pagliacci Pizza has been a huge supporter of cultural institutions. “Throughout our history we’ve had partnerships with various arts organizations,” said Michelle Galvin, Pagliacci Pizza’s Chief Financial Officer. “From Seattle Rep and Pacific Northwest Ballet to many smaller arts organizations, we feel strongly about our commitment to arts in our community.”

“Working with Pagliacci Pizza is such a serendipitous opportunity! There's no better partnership than pizza and opera,” said Julia Curns-Welch, Seattle Opera’s Associate Director of Development for Institutional Giving.

Sasquatch is featured on Pagliacci Pizza’s 17-inch pizza box through the run of our production in McCaw Hall. So, enjoy a slice or two after you experience Leoncavallo’s dynamic story and music.

Pagliacci runs August 3–17, 2024 at McCaw Hall.
Tickets and info at

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